The Most Perfect Sound In The World: Interview With Dr. Sandra Sluberski

The Most Perfect Sound In The World: Interview With Dr. Sandra Sluberski

The most perfect sound in the world is OM Why? 

“Vibes, baby. Everything vibrates, even at the atomic level. Our voices, through chanting, affect our physical and mental well-being. 

Take the syllable ‘Om,’ which is believed to be the most perfect sound. When chanted, it calms the heart rate, relaxes blood vessels, and reduces stress. 

This isn’t just metaphysical—it’s grounded in quantum physics. Your thoughts and words carry physical vibrations.”

In this special interview, we explore the  journey of Dr. Sandra, a distinguished teacher, author, musician and advocate for music and sound as an uplifting part of anyone's daily life -- and practice, in simple and understandable ways. 

You can watch this up-beat and uplifting interview now, and if you'd like more, you can join us in Sound School, of which Dr. Sandra is one of our faculty members, starting October 15th. 

"The most perfect sound in the world is OM," Dr Sandra Sluberksi shares with us last week. 
Dr. Sandra Sluberski is a gem – a Doctor of Music in vocal performance, a yogi, sound healer and a curious and communicative dynamo. One of my favorite people. 

Last week, we sat down with her to have a wide-ranging conversation, with the intention of offering her a platform to share her unique and expert points of view. 

You can watch the full interview here; and we’ve laid out for you some of the most interesting takes below.

1. The most perfect sound in the world is OM


“Vibes, baby. Everything vibrates, even at the atomic level. Our voices, through chanting, affect our physical and mental well-being. 

Take the syllable ‘Om,’ which is believed to be the most perfect sound. When chanted, it calms the heart rate, relaxes blood vessels, and reduces stress. 

This isn’t just metaphysical—it’s grounded in quantum physics. Your thoughts and words carry physical vibrations.”

“Om” has four parts: the vowel sounds 'A' and 'U,' the closing ‘M,’ and the silence afterward. This combination creates a harmonic vibration.
The silence, represented by the dot (Bindu) in the symbol for Om, is just as important because it allows the vibrations to linger and calm the mind.”

2. Sanskrit and Sonic Medicine: 

“Sanskrit was chosen for its specific vibrational qualities. This resonates deeply with the idea that sound is not just an auditory experience but a physical one that can affect our bodies and minds. 

Each syllable in Sanskrit holds a particular vibration that can correspond to different energy centers in the body (chakras). This creates a bridge between sound and healing, where sound can be viewed as a form of medicine.

3. Your Thoughts are vibration 

The exploration of thoughts having a physical vibration is key. It suggests that our mental states can create tangible effects in our surroundings. 

When you think positively about someone, it doesn’t just benefit your emotional state; it can also transform the energy in the space between you. 
This highlights the interconnectedness of our experiences and how we can influence others through our intentions.

4. Sending positive thoughts to someone 

Sending positive thoughts to someone you find challenging is a powerful practice.
It illustrates how intention can shift not only your emotional state but also the energy you bring into interactions.
This aligns with the idea of creating a ripple effect—one small shift can lead to larger transformations in relationships and communities.

5. Music as a tool 

Music is a vehicle for connection, capable of uplifting spirits and evoking deep emotional responses, even transcending language.
Certain pieces resonate on a vibrational level, allowing for introspection and healing.

In daily life, Dr Sanra listens to different genres depending on her mood and circumstances. 

She finds comfort in chanting, particularly a Sikh prayer, and prefers instrumental jazz for relaxation, illustrating a nuanced relationship with sound.

Want to see more from Dr. Sandra? 

She is a one of the instructors in the upcoming Ohm Store’s Sound School, and enrollment is open and is filling!

We invite you to enroll today, if the time is right for you to make a big step forward in your journey to facilitate sound healing in yourself, and others.