Colored Major Triad 3rd Octave #1: C3, E3, G3

Colored Major Triad 3rd Octave #1: C3, E3, G3
From the limited Colored Chakra Bowl Run -- The Major Triad 3 Bowl Set: C3-E3-G3 handmade bronze singing bowl set -- forming a major triad.
A bespoke, curated set with incredible tonal pairing. These bowls are visually stunning and musically integrated.
List to the full recording of this set.
The major triad (C-Major Chord) creates a harmonious, uplifting musical relationship rooted in one of the most fundamental structures in Western music theory: the major chord.
C3 is the root note --10.25 inch diameter bowl
E3 is the major third -- 8.5 inch diameter bowl
G3 is the perfect fifth -- 7.5 inch diameter
These intervals create a naturally stable and harmonious sound, commonly associated with feelings of joy, clarity, and balance.
Your C3-E3-G3 singing bowl set is a powerful harmonic tool that combines grounding stability, emotional brightness, and spiritual harmony - -and was chosen by our Co-Founder and curated just for you.
The relationship between the notes creates a balanced, joyful sound, making it an ideal set for anyone looking to bring uplifting energy into their sound healing or meditative practice.
This set is currently one of one, and is available now.
Local Artisans
for Life
100% Love it Promise
Each singing bowl that we make is 100% unique and made by the loving hands of one of our craftsmen. Due to the nature of this handmade process, all sizes and weights are approximate and the sound captured on our website may be slightly different than your own special bowl.
Please know we’ve got your back in any situation. We are open and receptive to your questions or concerns and are here to help support you through this unique process the best way we can, with the resources we have available. You will never be left feeling “stuck” with a singing bowl that isn’t the right fit for your needs.