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Why Do I Feel So Grounded, So Changed, So Complete After a Sound Bath?
Sound baths have become a popular wellness practice, leaving participants feeling deeply relaxed and transformed. One doesn't require an academic study to know -- you feel different, after you've ...

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The Allure of Deep, Resonant Sounds: A Scientific Exploration
Humans have an innate attraction to deep, resonant sounds, which evoke feelings of safety and tranquility. This preference is rooted in our evolutionary past, where low-frequency sounds like flowi...

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Using Singing Bowls for Optimal Sleep
Explore sleep enhancement through the usage of handmade tibetan style singing bowls. Gain practical insights into selecting and utilizing singing bowls as part of a holistic bedtime ritual, synergi...

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The Healing Power of Sound: Key Takeaways from Dr. Mitchell Gaynor's Book
In an age where stress and chronic illness are pervasive and seemingly ubiquitous, more people are being open to non-traditional ways of managing their wellness and health. Sound is one of these m...

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The Inner Nature of Music: Exploring Rudolf Steiner's Wisdom
In this work, Steiner explores sound and harmony to offer us a glimpse of music’s potential to uplift, inspire and transcend the physical. Following, you will find 10 key insights from Steiner's v...

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Research on Sound's Impact on Mind-Body
Sound therapy has emerged as a promising avenue for mitigating stress and fostering emotional well-being. Although those who already have experienced this anecdotally may be "in the know," we're wa...

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How Singing Bowls Work To Calm You
The act of using a singing bowl can become a ritual, especially when accompanied by intention-setting or meditation.
One clear recommendation from The Ohm Store is to use the intention of “inviti...

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How Do Singing Bowls Work on Physical and Emotional Pain?
Pain is a signal captured by your nervous system. It implies something is wrong in your body with a tingling, pricking, pinching, throbbing, burning, stabbing, stinging, or cramping sensation.

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Singing Bowls For Stress: Using Your Bowl To Experience Peace and Harmony
Some say it quickly relaxes their muscles, and others that it calms mind chatter. (if you've had special or different experiences, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at hello@theohmstore.co)

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How To: Raise Positive Energy with Singing Bowls? Tips + Benefits!
If you’re having a good time, positive energy comes from the sum total of happy thoughts and positive actions.
But it turns into a bomb of negative energy during fights.
So, positive energy is ess...

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Part 5: Healing Sound - Tibetan Chakras and Warrior Seed Symbols
Today we will unravel the mystery of a little spoken about type of meditation.
Early Tibetan meditation.
It’s a unique concept with its own set of five chakras, five elements, five warrior syllab...

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Part 4: Healing Sound - Sound Baths, Benefits, and Techniques
Let's start -- what is a sound bath?
A sound bath is defined as deep immersion in sound waves. Besides bringing down pain, anxiety, tension, disorder, and disharmony, it can slow heart rate and b...

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Part 3: Healing Sound - Using Sound For Therapy in 10 Ways
Our bodies have five primary senses, but sound is more sensitive than others.
You never stop hearing, even while you're asleep.
Besides sensing sound through our ears, we also feel sound waves an...

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Part 2: Healing Sound - The Top 5 Surprising Ways Sound Impacts Us
Light travels faster than sound, but we tend to get more scared of sudden sounds than of sudden light.
That’s because hearing is our primary sense of warning.
When you hear a sudden sound, your br...

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Part 1: Healing Sound - Introduction To How Sound Impacts Your Body
Sound is a powerful impactor of your experience of life.
It can calm, comfort, agitate and even anger us. While most know the basics of how sound impacts the body, do you know what goes behind th...

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How To: Cleanse Negativity with Singing Bowls? + Tips To Get Started!
Cleansing isn’t the same as cleaning.
The former (cleansing) relates to a deeper, thorough, and metaphysical cleaning process while cleaning is simply tidying up.
For instance, showering can clean...

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How and Why To Use a Tibetan Singing Bowl
The culture of singing bowls is filled with non specific and vague reasons why they are useful. A simple way to understand the real benefits of singing bowls, is to understand what’s at stake.