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The False Notion of an Emotional Hierarchy
"Are you mad?"
The question of our anger comes up often. In the past, my gut reaction was to instinctively say "No."
But. Maybe you aren't fine.
You are suffering.

Remember This One Thing When Dealing With Angry People
Often it's important to remind oneself of something, every day, when interacting with a person who is angry, sad, enraged, fearful or mean. It's easy to begin to judge this person as wrong, bad or ...

Meditation For People Who Can’t Meditate
You’ve read all the articles about it, heard the interviews with scientists talking about the real biological benefits, learned that everyone from professional athletes to the CEO’s of major organ...

How To Get Over Yourself So You Can Get On With Your Mission
A hero isn’t someone who is fearless. Rather, a hero is someone who feels fear and acts boldly in the face of it. The purpose of this article is to call forth the hero in each reader, by shedding ...

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How and Why To Use a Tibetan Singing Bowl
The culture of singing bowls is filled with non specific and vague reasons why they are useful. A simple way to understand the real benefits of singing bowls, is to understand what’s at stake.

How I Used a Journaling Practice to End My Suffering
Life was feeling hard. Crawling out of my skin felt like a good option; I couldn’t remember what it felt like to feel good inside my body and mind. Journaling was the answer to self-coach myself ba...

Why Structured Presence Unlocks Meaningful Happiness in the 21st-Century
Structured presence is the idea of living moment by moment. It’s a state of being where you try to do the right thing in each moment - and then you string more of these perfect moments together.

The Key To Lasting Happiness
We all want to be happy. But is happiness really so hard to find? Here's how to unlock the key to your happiness.

What I Learned From 120 Hours of Meditation in 10 Days
For 10 days, there would be absolutely no talking. No reading, no note taking, and no electronics.
There would be nowhere to run and hide - from myself.
There would be meditation, from 4:30 in the...